To support the professional development of the members of the California Medical Group Management Association through a broad range of practice leadership, professional development, educational opportunities and networking activities.

The California Medical Group Management Association (CAMGMA) is a non-profit association comprised exclusively of medical group administrators and other professionals engaged in medical group practice management administration.

CAMGMA provides a forum for the exchange of ideas among health care professionals and educational programs geared to enhancing the understanding of medical group management.

Founded in 1965 and incorporated in 1970, CAMGMA meets annually and is governed by an elected board of directors comprised of medical practice administrators representing all regions of the state.


  • Advance the profession of medical group practice management.
  • Sponsor educational programs that supplement the informational needs of the membership
  • Provide a forum for participation in the state legislative process
  • Cooperate with other allied health organizations to improve health delivery to the general public.

Thank You To Our Royal & Diamond Corporate Sponsors!


California Medical Group Management Association | P. 833.252.0300
F. 888.520.9317 | staff@camgma.com | P.O. Box 3403, Hamilton, NJ 08619

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