Active Members: Refer TWO new active members and receive 50% OFF your dues for your next renewal!

Affiliate Members: For EACH new active member you refer, you will receive $100 credit towards a conference booth!


  • Growth- Membership in CAMGMA offers the opportunity for personal and professional growth.
  • Education- CAMGMA offers educational opportunities for you and your staff on topics such as billing, coding, HR, revenue cycle, and reimbursement.
  • Networking- With a network of hundreds of members, CAMGMA offers the opportunity to meet local fellow healthcare and business professionals with whom you can share knowledge and ideas as well as learn best practices from others to make your practice more successful.
  • Information- CAMGMA is the resource for information on all topics related to practice management, government affairs and technology.  Maximize CAMGMA membership through links to the national MGMA, providing information of strategic importance to the practice.
  • Marketing- CAMGMA offers an Internet Job Bank to assist you in searching for and posting openings in your practice. Promote your opportunity on the CAMGMA Job Bank. Members can also post a resume to market themselves.
  • Leadership- CAMGMA offers managers the opportunity to become involved in shaping the activity of the organization through membership on one of several standing committees.  Also develop your personal leadership potential by becoming Certified or a Fellow in the American College of Medical Practice Executives.
  • Advocacy- As a member of CAMGMA your voice is added to hundreds of other medical and business professionals on the important issues that matter to you and your practice; such as Medicare reimbursement, local, state and national legislative issues and initiatives.
  • Access- CAMGMA members learn about new products and services offered by our preferred vendor partners. Gain access to our member directory and access to job postings throughout California.  Meet our vendor partners at our annual conferences. 

With 10 different geographical regions, there are sure to be events in your area. 
Join CAMGMA today!

Please note, while CAMGMA is an affiliate of MGMA National, membership to MGMA does not include membership to CAMGMA. 

Thank You To Our Royal & Diamond Corporate Sponsors!


California Medical Group Management Association | P. 833.252.0300
F. 888.520.9317 | | P.O. Box 3403, Hamilton, NJ 08619

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