Unleashing Your Greatest Asset - Your BrandCulture - To Power Up Your Bottom Line
Tuesday, March 14
Presented By:
William C. Hayward, Director, Strategic Communications & Analytics
Mike Forthman, Senior Healthcare Consultant
Marketing Works
What makes patients choose a particular practice and keep coming back? What motivates talented healthcare employees to choose and remain at a given workplace? How do your brand and your inner culture affect both? What do you stand for- and what won't you stand for? Why does it matter, and does your team know it? This session demonstrates how high-performing organizations marry brand (expectations and experiences that drive customer choice) and culture (beliefs and behaviors that determine how employees interact internally with customers). The rest, more powerful than a brand or culture, is a BrandCulture- with internal operations and external presentation working harmoniously to attract and retain exceptional whose behaviors, in turn, build a loyal, profitable patient base.
(Members Attend Free, Non-members $35.00)
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