Mid-State MGMA Lunch & Learn
Wage and Hour 101
Presented by: Faith Driscoll
Chief Legal Officer - United Health Centers of the San Joaquin Valley
Wednesday, April 9th | 12:00pm-1:00pm
Fort Washington Golf and Country Club
10272 N. Millbrook Fresno, CA 93730
Session Description:
We will go over the areas of wage and hour compliance that often trip up employers throughout the employee life cycle. From evaluating candidates, determining compensation, new hire requirements, to complying with timekeeping laws and handling terminations, this session will cover the various areas administrators and managers should keep top of mind.
Members FREE | Non-Member $35
Speaker Bio:
Faith Driscoll serves as United Health Centers' Chief Legal Officer, advising executive leadership on strategic initiatives and providing legal counsel. Ms. Driscoll has more than 10 years of advisory experience in labor and employment, health care, corporate and board governance, and more. Prior to joining UHC, she worked in private practice advising clients and representing them in state and federal court, as well as before the ALRB, OSHA, EEOC, Civil Rights Department (formerly the DFEH) and Labor Commissioner in all stages of litigation. She also conducted workplace investigations, wage and hour audits, and numerous employee trainings. When Ms. Driscoll is not working, she volunteers time to improve the community by serving as Legislative Director for the Tulare/Kings County Chapter of SHRM since 2014, where she keeps members up to date by monitoring case law and pending legislation. She also regularly speaks on legal topics at business community seminars and conferences.
Thank You To Our Royal & Diamond Corporate Sponsors!
California Medical Group Management Association | P. 833.252.0300F. 888.520.9317 | staff@camgma.com | P.O. Box 3403, Hamilton, NJ 08619